Adding $AVAC to your wallet

Go to your wallet's home page and scroll down to find "Manage Coins"

This page should open up for you to see what coins you have toggled on to show

Type AVAC, or copy and paste our Contract Address and click on the plus button to add it to your coins.

Contract Address: 0xf1e083a825db31c844b8b6be0b16a43fd523ca9c If you are using MetaMask:

Click on "Import Tokens"

Click on Custom Token

Fill up the information as shown in the image:

Contract Address: 0xf1e083a825db31c844b8b6be0b16a43fd523ca9c

Token Symbol: AVAC

Decimal: 18

Congratulations! now you can see the value of your $AVAC on your wallet's home page

Last updated