1. Buy any crypto (USDT, BNB, etc…) on your decentralized wallet on BEP-20 network, or withdraw any crypto from your centralized exchange to your wallet.

  2. Use an exchange like PancakeSwap to purchase $AVAC tokens.

When this page opens up, click on the bottom transaction box and click on CAKE

On the blank box import $AVAC's Contract Address which is:


Copy the above Contract Address and Paste it on the box that opens when you click on CAKE

Then click on AVAC. AvaCoach's name HAS to appear to make sure you are adding the correct token.

Now the second box will change from CAKE to $AVAC. You can change the first box to the currency you own (BNB, USDT, ...) and then enter the amount of crypto you want to Swap to $AVAC and then click buy.

Make sure the second box is AVAC and swap any currency you would like on the first box to AVAC.

Last updated